Friday, July 9, 2010

Paul The Octopus or Mani The Bird Guess The Correct Results ?

Which team Paul the Octopus predicted to win ? ITS SPAIN !!

During the last few matches, everyone who are betting on their favourite team to win looked forward to Paul the psychic octopus on Youtube for the prediction. paul has guessed in correctly with an accuracy of 80% !! but now, he has a competitor in the form of a parakeet, Mani from Singapore !!

Over in Singapore, Mani crept out its his small wooden cage and had to choose between two white cards. One hiding the flag of the Netherlands, the other Spain. If the bird's many new believers are right, Holland will win its first World Cup championship Sunday.

Mani, the parakeet and its owner in Singapore street

It is unclear if Paul's prediction that Germany will beat Uruguay for third place in the World Cup has calmed down its German detractors. Many Germans are already planning recipes to cook Paul as his predictions cost them a place in the final.

However Paul has got support in the unlikely form of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero who has joked he will provide Paul with a team of bodyguards.

Its Spain vs Holland 2010 World Cup Final. What your prediction ?

In short, Paul had predicted Spain to win the World Cup while Mani has picked Holland to win it. You'll place your bets on which team ? I'll go for the Nike team even though we see them as the underdogs.

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